Decision details

Work Programme

Decision Maker: Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


8.1  The chair proposed reviews looking at clinical commissioning and the aging of adults with complex needs. He commented that there are national concerns over conflicts of interest and a recent Independent article had noted that three members of the local clinical commissioning board had commercial interests in secondary providers. These that could potentially create a conflict of interest. The chair went on to say that adults with complex needs, both entering the Adult care system and those growing older, were a growing group that the care system needs to provide for.


8.2  A member requested time to feedback on these proposals and it was agreed that the chair would email proposals around for comment. A member stated that clinical commissioning is a major change and he considered that it should be a major focus of the committees work.


8.3  A member commented that she is very interested in contracted providers and noted that earlier the committee was told the council could not do anything about employee terms as the contracts were already in place. She went on to say that in her view when contracts are drawn up by lawyers the council needs to ensure that there is protection for employees who look after our old and vulnerable. There was a request for more information about the amount of contracts in place.


8.4  It was noted that Southwark Town Hall will no longer be used for committee meetings in the future and the next committee meeting will be in a different venue. 160 Tooley Street is being fitted out to ensure that it is fit for the purpose of holding public meetings. Other potential venues were briefly discussed.





The Chair asked members to comment by email on the following proposed reviews:


  •  Review A :Commissioning (impact of savings on patient care, transition arrangements, conflicts of interest & contract management)


  • Review B : Ageing of Adults with Complex Needs (Entry into Adult Social Care and Later Life)


The committee requested that officers provide details of contracts that are up for renewal in the next 12-18 months.


The committee requested that options for future meeting venues are circulated to members.


Publication date: 29/06/2011

Date of decision: 29/06/2011

Decided at meeting: 29/06/2011 - Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee