Decision details

East Dulwich and Peckham West controlled parking zone

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval to implement subject to statutory consultation


1.  That the current recommended CPZ is split into two separate areas known as East Dulwich CPZ, with zone operational hours of 8.30am to 6.30pm, and Peckham West CPZ, with zone operational hours of Mon-Fri and 9am to 11am.


2.  The Peckham West CPZ to have the same boundaries as those proposed in the consultation process.  The East Dulwich boundary is to reflect Dulwich Community Council feedback to the interim revised boundaries.


3.  The implementation of each zone be subject to separate statutory consultation.


4.  That decisions relating to further minor amendments to the detailed engineering design be delegated to officers.


5.  That the statutory consultation be extended to longer than the minimum 21 days to allow consideration of the recommendations and to account for overlap with school holiday time if applicable.


6.  That any representations that cannot be entirely dealt with be brought back to the cabinet member for determination.


7.  That officers review the zone operation within six to nine months of implementation (subject to the outcome of necessary statutory procedures).


8.  That the public realm improvements included in the scheme design under the healthy streets approach be noted.


9.  That the financial implications of delivery detailed in the report be noted.

Publication date: 07/08/2019

Date of decision: 07/08/2019

Effective from: 15/08/2019

Accompanying Documents: