Decision details

Local Lettings scheme for Southwark Council tenants living at Bromyard House, Peterchurch House, Sarnsfield House and Skenfrith House on the Ledbury Estate

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.  To agree the contents of this report and approve the framework below for the local lettings of the new build development known as Sylvan Grove. This new build development will be purchased by Southwark Council to meet the specific housing needs of Southwark Council tenants living at Bromyard House, Peterchurch House, Sarnsfield House and Skenfrith House on the Ledbury Estate. Therefore, subject to the completion of the purchase of Sylvan Grove and the planning variation being agreed the following is recommended. 


2.  If following the local lettings scheme and allocation of the 80 properties located at Sylvan Grove to Southwark Council tenants at Bromyard House, Peterchurch House, Sarnsfield House and Skenfrith House on the Ledbury Estate, properties remain vacant then all surplus vacant properties will be the subject of a separate report that will be produced by the council’s property services team.


3.  If any vacant properties remain available following recommendations 1 and 2 of this report then all vacant properties will be offered to homeless customers living in temporary accommodation.



1.  That the contents of this report be agreed and the framework below for the local lettings of the new build development known as Sylvan Grove be approved. This new build development will be purchased by Southwark Council to meet the specific housing needs of Southwark Council tenants living at Bromyard House, Peterchurch House, Sarnsfield House and Skenfrith House on the Ledbury Estate. Therefore, subject to the completion of the purchase of Sylvan Grove and the planning variation being agreed the following be recommended:


2.  That if following the local lettings scheme and allocation of the 80 properties located at Sylvan Grove to Southwark Council tenants at Bromyard House, Peterchurch House, Sarnsfield House and Skenfrith House on the Ledbury Estate, properties remain vacant then all surplus vacant properties will be the subject of a separate report that will be produced by the council’s property services team.



3.  That i any vacant properties remain available following recommendations 1 and 2 of this report then all vacant properties will be offered to homeless customers living in temporary accommodation.

Publication date: 28/02/2018

Date of decision: 27/02/2018

Effective from: 08/03/2018

Accompanying Documents: