Decision details

CSV (Community Service Volunteers)

Decision Maker: Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


7.1  Ihona Hirving and Fern Edwards from CVS introduced their work on the Parent Mentoring Project. They explained that when they presented to the committee six months ago the project was in its infancy. CVS has now received funding for 8 regions to work with families. These are families in need, but not the highest level of need. Ihona explained that they have now trained 141 volunteers nationally. In Southwark 25 volunteers have participated in training and 12 are ready to volunteer.


7.2  CVS staff explained that the needs of families are varied and support could be to help families get their children up on time and to school, for example.  Sometimes families on the higher end of need could present safeguarding issues. CVS trains volunteers initially and does top up training. Families are monitored for progress, and this is motivating for both families and professionals.


7.3  There have been three families matched in Southwark, staff reported. It was explained that sometimes families do disengage if the time is not right, or sometimes the match between volunteer and families does not work. On the whole, CVS reported, the matches have been very positive, for example one family has redecorated their flat that was in disarray.


7.4  The chair invited members to ask questions and members asked if volunteers get discouraged if families drop out and what happens to families that disengage. CVS staff responded that this has not been their experience as it is explained to volunteers that often it might not be the right time to work with a particular family. They went on to explain that families that disengage are referred back to social services. Families are kept in constant contact and offered other forms of support; such as parenting support. CVS explained that this is a voluntary, rather than compulsory, initiative.


7.5  A member asked if families can self refer and CVS explained that this is not possible at the moment as someone needs to have overall responsibility and the referrals come through the parent partnership. The chair thanked CVS for their presentation and invited them to keep the committee updated.





CVS were invited to return in a few months time.

Publication date: 23/04/2012

Date of decision: 23/04/2012

Decided at meeting: 23/04/2012 - Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Sub-Committee