Decision details

Corporate Parenting Committee Work Plan 2010

Decision Maker: Corporate Parenting Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




That having reviewed its workplan the following reports be allocated for March 2010:


  • Children Looked After (CIC) performance indicators 2009 -10 Quarter 4
  • Children Looked After Performance report – latest figures
  • Annual report – Health of Children in Care
  • Southwark Pledge
  • Support for new members on Corporate Parenting Committee (CPC)
  • NEET Strategy – Update




The meeting closed at 3.20pm.


Publication date: 18/02/2010

Date of decision: 18/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 18/02/2010 - Corporate Parenting Committee

Accompanying Documents: