Decision details

Establishment of committees, community councils and other constitutional issues 2011/12

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(See pages 4-41 of the main agenda and yellow and blue papers circulated at the meeting)


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.11(2), this being an officer report, the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only. She announced that she intended to consider each recommendation where a decision was needed separately.  The remaining recommendations would be considered as part of the substantive motion.


The Mayor moved Recommendations 3 to 6 – establishment of ordinary committees.  The recommendations were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved Recommendations 7 to 9 – size and composition of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Community Councils and the Licensing Committee.  The recommendations were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved Recommendation 11 – the appointment of chairs and vice chairs of committees and community councils.  The nominations set out on the yellow paper circulated at the meeting were put to the vote and declared to be carried


The Mayor moved Recommendation 15 – the establishment of the constitutional steering panel.  The recommendation was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor stated that one nomination had been received for the position of chair of the constitutional steering panel, Councillor Helen Morrissey.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nomination was put to the vote and council assembly appointed Councillor Helen Morrissey as chair of the constitutional steering panel.


The Mayor announced she had received one amendment to Recommendation 18 – council assembly dates.  Councillor Linda Manchester, seconded by Councillor Poddy Clark, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillor Helen Morrissey), Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The Mayor moved Recommendation 20 – allocation of representative and votes on the Local Government Association General Assembly.  The nominations set out on the blue paper circulated at the meeting were put to the vote and declared to be carried


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the appointment of political leaders, deputies and whips be noted as follows:


Labour Group


Leader  Councillor Peter John


Deputy Leader  Councillor Ian Wingfield


Chief Whip  Councillor Helen Morrissey


Liberal Democrat Group


Leader  Councillor Anood Al-Samerai


Deputy Leader  Councillor Paul Noblet


Chief Whip  Councillor Tim McNally


Conservative Group


Leader  Councillor Lewis Robinson


Deputy Leader  Councillor Toby Eckersley


Chief Whip  Councillor Michael Mitchell


2.  That the size and composition of the council’s ordinary committees, including regulatory and other committees, be established in accordance with the number of seats each political group has on the council as a whole, as set out below:





Lib Dem


Committee 1

Appointments Committee










Committee 2

Planning Committee










Committee 3

Disciplinary Appeals Committee*










Committee 4

Audit and Governance Committee









Committee 5

Corporate Parenting Committee















3.  That the decision of council assembly on 22 February 2011 to streamline the discretionary decision making framework of non statutory committees  (and paragraphs 31-32 of the report on the future of the disciplinary appeals committee) be noted.


4.  That the disciplinary appeals committee be established for a time limited period only to allow it to consider any appeals submitted by the date of the annual meeting.


5.  That the size and composition of the overview and scrutiny committee, as set out below, be approved:





Lib Dem


Overview and Scrutiny Committee











6.  That the community councils be established as set out below:


·  Borough and Bankside

·  Bermondsey

·  Rotherhithe

·  Walworth

·  Peckham

·  Camberwell

·  Nunhead and Peckham Rye

·  Dulwich


7.  That a licensing committee be established with a total of 15 seats with the following allocation of seats:


·  8 Labour

·  6 Liberal Democrat

·  1 Conservative. 


8.  That a licensing sub-committee be appointed with delegated authority to hear licence applications including Licensing Act 2003, Gambling Act 2005, street trading and other licensing responsibilities granted by statute.  The sub-committee to include members of the licensing committee with a quorum of three members.


9.  That the appointment of the chairs and vice-chairs of the following committees and community councils be agreed as set out below:


Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Councillor Catherine Bowman – Chair

Councillor Andy Simmons – Vice-chair


Appointments Committee


Councillor Peter John - Chair

Councillor Ian Wingfield – Vice-chair


Audit and Governance Committee


Councillor Renata Hamvas - Chair

Councillor James Barber – Vice-chair


Corporate Parenting Committee


Councillor Catherine McDonald – Chair

Councillor Lisa Rajan – Vice-chair


Disciplinary Appeals Committee


Councillor Helen Morrissey – Chair

Councillor Tim McNally – Vice-chair


Licensing Committee


Councillor Sunil Chopra – Chair

Councillor Linda Manchester – Vice-chair


Planning Committee


Councillor Nick Dolezal – Chair

Councillor Althea Smith – Vice-chair


Community Councils



Councillor Linda Manchester – Chair

Councillor Graham Neale – Vice-chair


Borough and Bankside

Councillor Poddy Clark – Chair

Councillor Geoffrey Thornton – Vice-chair



Councillor Norma Gibbes – Chair

Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle – Vice-chair



Councillor Lewis Robinson – Chair

Councillor Robin Crookshank Hilton – Vice-chair


Nunhead and Peckham

Councillor Victoria Mills – Chair

Councillor Mark Glover – Vice-chair



Councillor Cleo Soanes – Chair

Councillor Michael Situ – Vice-chair



Councillor Jeff Hook – Chair

Councillor Wilma Nelson – Vice-chair



Councillor Martin Seaton – Chair

Councillor Darren Merrill – Vice-chair.


10.  That it be noted that the constitution states all political groups must be represented on the standards committee and it should comprise of at least four councillors and up to seven councillors.  Council assembly notes the decision in previous years to allocate the councillor membership proportionately.  In order to comply with its constitutional requirements, council assembly established a standards committee comprising of six councillors.  The seats to be allocated to political groups as follows:


·  Labour 3 places

·  Liberal Democrat 2 places

·  Conservative 1 place.


11.  That it be noted that political groups on the standards committee will be entitled to nominate reserves on the following basis:


·  The number of reserves is equivalent to the number of places on the committee.


12.  That in accordance with the constitution, the election of chair and vice chair of the standards committee takes place at the first meeting of the committee in the 2011/12 municipal year.


13.  That a constitutional steering panel be established comprised of the whip and one other member from the Labour Group and the political whips of the other political groups represented on the council, with the terms of reference set out in paragraph 55 of the report.


14.  That Councillor Helen Morrissey be appointed as chair of the constitutional steering panel.


15.  That the following council panels be established:


·  Voluntary bodies appointment panel (VBAP) – Composition of 3 Labour and 2 Liberal Democrat members.  The panel will be responsible for recommending the appointment of charity trustees to specific Southwark charities and recommending appointments to the position of school governor on local education authority secondary and special school governing bodies.


·  Council assembly business panel – The panel is chaired by the Mayor and also consists of one representative from each political group.  The panel acts as an advisory panel to the Mayor on council assembly, including the annual programme and the setting of themes for debate.


16.  That the following dates for meetings of council assembly be agreed and that these dates be fixed in the council calendar for the municipal year 2011/12:


·  6 July 2011

·  12 October 2011

·  30 November 2011

·  25 January 2012

·  22 February 2012 (Budget and council tax setting)

·  28 March 2012

·  23 May 2012 (Annual meeting).


17.  That the calendar of council meetings for the 2011/12 municipal year ahead as shown at Appendix 5 of the report be noted.


18.  That the following members be appointed to the Local Government Association General Assembly with the votes outlined below:


·  Councillor Peter John   (3 votes)


·  Councillor Anood Al-Samerai   (2 votes)


19.  That it be noted the cabinet and other committees will make appointments to all other outside committees and bodies for the municipal year 2011/12 as required by part 3S of the constitution.


20.  That the role of the urgency committee between a municipal election and the annual meeting of council assembly be reviewed in light of the post-election period in 2010 and the new executive arrangements.  Officers will report to the constitutional steering panel with proposals on future urgency arrangements. 

Publication date: 07/07/2011

Date of decision: 24/05/2011

Decided at meeting: 24/05/2011 - Council Assembly

Accompanying Documents: