Decision details

Home and Communities Agency Borough Investment Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No




1.  That a Borough Investment Plan be submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), as part of the Single Conversation process, with a view to entering into a Borough Investment Agreement next year.


2.  That the working draft of the Borough Investment Plan be approved in principle and, subject to any further refinement or amendment identified by members or as a result of further dialogue with Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) colleagues. That cabinet delegate the approval of these final amendments to the strategic director of regeneration and neighbourhoods in consultation with the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy and the deputy leader and cabinet member for housing management prior to submission to the Homes and Communities Agency.


3.  That officers report back to cabinet on a regular basis on the progress of the Single Conversation process and the delivery programme that arises from it. 


Publication date: 21/07/2010

Date of decision: 20/07/2010

Decided at meeting: 20/07/2010 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: