Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday 28 January 2004

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

Item 1 - Call-In: Review Of The Secure Tenancy Agreement

The following link opens in a new window(a) Cover Report

The following link opens in a new window(b) Executive Report (13/01/04)

The following link opens in a new window(c) Executive 13/01/04 Report Supplemental information – Feedback from Tenants Council 12th January 2004 (Available from Scrutiny Team)

The following link opens in a new window(d) Minutes of Executive meeting 13/01/04 (Available from Scrutiny Team)

The following link opens in a new window(e) Deputation Request from Southwark Group of Tenants Organisations

The following link opens in a new window(f) Report from Housing Directorate

The following link opens in a new window(g) Message from Library Street Neighbourhood Forum