Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Thursday 20 May 2004

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

Item 1 - Scrutiny Award of Planning at 295-297 Camberwell New Road and 299 Camberwell New Road

The following link opens in a new window(a) Final Action Plan to address issues raised in the Audit Commission report

The following link opens in a new window(b) Draft response by London Borough of Southwark to Audit Commission Public Interest Report

The following link opens in a new window(c) Draft Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee Report: Scrutiny Award of Planning at 295-297 Camberwell New Road and 299 Camberwell New Roadk

The following link opens in a new window(d) Report: Independent Legal Advice on Negotiated Settlement

The following link opens in a new window(e) Report: Timetable of Legal Requests for information regarding Imperial Gardens

The following link opens in a new window(f) Information on meetings/correspondence between Bob Coomber and Commission for Racial Equality

The following link opens in a new window(g) Additional Information from Strategic Director for Regeneration as requested by Committee