Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Monday 14 June 2004

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowItem 1 - Scrutiny annual report 2003/04 [draft officer notes] covering report

The following link opens in a new windowAppendix 1: draft officer notes

Item 2 - Scrutiny work planning 2004/05 - no report

The following link opens in a new windowItem 3 - Scrutiny final report from Health & Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee "The level and nature of mental health services to black, teenage men" covering report

The following link opens in a new windowAppendix 1: final scrutiny report

The following link opens in a new windowItem 4 - Scrutiny final report from Regeneration & Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee "Elephant and Castle regeneration"

The following link opens in a new windowAppendix 1: final scrutiny report and appendices

The following link opens in a new windowfinal report coverpage

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5 - Motion referred from council assembly 28 April 2004 in respect of Pullen's Yard

The following link opens in a new windowItem 6 - Reference from Regeneration & Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee "Highways Best Value Review"

The following link opens in a new windowItem 7 - Scrutiny sub-committee membership, composition and terms of reference 2004/05