Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Monday 12 January 2004

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowItem 1 - Deputation Request: Scrutiny of Chumleigh Gardens [Mr Horsley]

The following link opens in a new windowAppendix A

The following link opens in a new windowAppendix D

Item 2 - Scrutiny: Civic Awards

Item 3 - Scrutiny: Thames Water's response to recent failure of supply in Southwark

The following link opens in a new windowItem 4 - Scrutiny: Community Councils

The following link opens in a new windowInlogov report

Addendum to Inlogov report

Item 5 - Executive interview round-up: Responses from the Executive to OSC in respect of:

The following link opens in a new windowCharter School

The following link opens in a new windowFace-to-face services

Item 6 - Southwark Alliance