Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Thursday 6 May 2004

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowItem 1: Draft corporate plan

The following link opens in a new windowItem 1, Appendix 2: Scrutiny Sub-Committee Comments on 3rd Quarter Performance Report

The following link opens in a new windowItem 2: Post Office closures

The following link opens in a new windowItem 2, Appendix 2: Post Office closures - report by the London Assembly's Public Services Committee [April 2004]

Item 3: no written report available

The following link opens in a new windowItem 4: Reference from Executive: Consultation processes and factors surrounding Executive reports

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5: Reference from Finance & Economic Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee: Audit Commission Annual Letter

The following link opens in a new windowItem 6: Reference from Finance & Economic Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee: budget & policy framework procedure rules

The following link opens in a new windowItem 7: Reference from Finance & Economic Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee: Communications

The following link opens in a new windowItem 8: Reference from Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee: Emergency Procedures [Fire at East Dulwich Estate]

The following link opens in a new windowItem 8, Appendix 1 - Report from Chair of East Dulwich T&RA on fire at Riseholme House

The following link opens in a new windowItem 8, Appendix 2 - Report to Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee [March 8 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowItem 8, Appendix 3 - Briefing note from Councillor Veronica Ward

Item 9: Scrutiny Sub-Committee Business Updates [listed below]:

The following link opens in a new windowEducation, Youth & Leisure Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowEnvironment & Community Support Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowFinance & Economic Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowHealth & Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowHousing Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]

The following link opens in a new windowRegeneration & Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee [May 2004]