Meeting documents

Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Monday 5 April 2004

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda

The following link opens in a new windowItem 1: Executive Interview with Councillors Stanton and Pidgeon

The following link opens in a new windowItem 2: Alleged Fraud on Major Voids Contracts: final report from Finance & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub-Committee

The following link opens in a new windowItem 3: Scrutiny awayday January 28 2004: report back

Item 4: Constitutional issues:
(a) Health scrutiny - consideration of arrangements for establishing joint scrutiny committees;
(b) Miscellaneous amendments

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5: Consultation processes and factors surrounding Executive reports - reference from Executive

The following link opens in a new windowItem 6: Post Office closures

Item 7: Report From Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Canada Estate

Item 8: Scrutiny sub-committees: business updates

Item 9: Reference from Council Assembly [March 31 2004]: Deputation by Black Awareness Group in respect of Imperial Gardens