Meeting documents

Environment and Community Support Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Wednesday 6 October 2004

The following link opens in a new windowMinutes (84 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowAgenda (29 kb)

Item 1 - Councillor Richard Thomas - Executive Member for Environment & Transport [no written report]

The following link opens in a new windowItem 2 - Quarterly Performance Report - Quarter 1: quarter ending 30 June 2004 (185 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 3 - Forward plan (26 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 4 - Work programme 2004/2005 (41 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5 - Licensing Act 2003 - consultation on Licensing Statement of Policy (36 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5 - Licensing Act 2003 - Introduction (42 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5 - Licensing Act 2003 - Draft statement (362 kb)

The following link opens in a new windowItem 5 - Licensing Act 2003 - Questionnaire (198 kb)

Closed Item 1 - Briefing on Work of Southwark Anti-social Behaviour Unit (SASBU)