Register of interests guidance note

Complete this section by giving details of any payments you have received in respect of your election expenses (for example, from a political party or other group) or payments made to you in connection with carrying out your official duties.  You should also include any payments received by your partner for this purpose. 

This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. 

For election expenses, the "relevant period" is defined as the 12 month period prior to you taking office.  So if you were elected in July 2012 the relevant period would apply to any payments received in the period from July 2011.  If you were elected in May 2010 you are not required to make a declaration as this is outside the relevant period of 12 months.  For payments made in connection with carrying out your official duties, you should declare payments received in the previous 12 month period. 

If Southwark Council makes a payment to another body such as the Local Government Association on your behalf or if another body such as a political party pays you allowances or assists with your costs of carrying out your duties these should be included.  This does not include any allowance received by you from the council of which you are a member.