Executive post

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Equalities and Communities


To deputise for the Leader of the Council in his absence by representing the borough at external events, within the council and when necessary chairing cabinet.


To improve the council’s engagement with all Southwark’s communities, especially those who are hardest to reach. To be responsible for strengthening the voluntary and community sector, supporting volunteering across the borough.


To promote leisure and sport in the borough and increase the quality of the borough’s parks and green spaces. With the cabinet member for community safety and public health to increase physical activity and resident use of all our park and leisure spaces and to promote play and leisure activities for young people.


To champion equality and diversity across the borough and be a champion for Southwark’s varied and diverse communities.


The cabinet member will have particular responsibility for:


·  strengthening and working with Southwark’s voluntary and community sector

·  community councils and community engagement

·  relationships with faith communities

·  Southwark diversity standard

·  equalities and equal opportunities

·  volunteering and volunteer champions

·  civic issues

·  cultural strategy

·  libraries

·  events

·  free theatre visits for primary children

·  working with organisations in the borough’s thriving culture communities

·  increasing access to arts and culture including for vulnerable groups

·  parks

·  trees

·  biodiversity

·  performance of the council’s leisure contractor

·  leisure investment

·  working with grassroots leisure communities

·  play and leisure activities for young people

·  swimming and gym use

·  working with grassroots sport communities

·  promoting sport and increasing physical activity.