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30/08/2019 - GW3 - Extension of the contract for removal and storage of goods ref: 6924    Recommendations Approved

To agree a 2 year extension to the contract

Decision Maker: Strategic Director of Finance and Governance

Decision published: 05/09/2019

Effective from: 13/09/2019


That the variation of the goods removals, storage and disposal call-off contract to Harrow Green Ltd to extend the term for a period of 2 years from 1 October 2019 at a maximum estimated contract value of £1.24m be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Scorer

17/07/2019 - Treasury Management Performance 2018-19 Annual Report and Prudential Indicators for Capital Finance and Treasury Management ref: 6907    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


(see pages 64 - 72 of the main agenda)


The recommendations were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly noted the 2018-19 outturn for the council’s treasury management and that:


·  All treasury management activity was undertaken in compliance with the approved treasury management strategy and with the council’s prudential indicators, as Appendix A of the report.


·  The balance remaining on all external loans at 31 March 2019 was £677m, with £117m of new long term borrowing drawn during financial year.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

17/07/2019 - Adoption of new library byelaws under Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 ref: 6906    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


(see pages 56 - 63 of the main agenda)


The recommendations were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly agreed to the adoption of new library byelaws under Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (Appendix 1 of the report).

17/07/2019 - London Borough of Southwark - Late Night Levy Consultation ref: 6905    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


(see pages 42 - 55 of the main agenda)


Amendment G was put to the vote and declared Carried.


The recommendations were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly considered the results of the public and statutory consultation conducted on the possible implementation of a late night levy (LNL) within the borough and agreed the following:


a.  that council assembly approved a late night levy across the whole borough


b.  the commencement date should be 1 September 2019


c.  the levy shall apply from 00:01 to 06:00 hours


d.  Net monies raised by the levy after the payment of administration shall be used as follows:


·  to pay for the full costs of the police night time economy team

·  to pay for the council resources within the night time economy team

·  surplus to be decided by a board made up of representatives for the council, police, licensed trade and residents.


e.  A 30% reduction to the levy is given to premises licence holders in relation to on-trade premises that are in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief (as specified in Part III of the Local Government Finance Act 1988) and have a rateable value of £12,000 or less.


f.  Exemptions to the levy are to be applied to the following categories:


  i.  a hotel or guest house, lodging house or hostel at which the supply of alcohol between midnight and 6am on any day may only be made to a person:

1)  who is staying at the premises, and

2)  for consumption on the premises;


  ii.  a theatre at which the supply of alcohol between midnight and 6am on any day may only be made to a person for consumption on the premises who is:

1)  a ticket holder in relation to a relevant production at the premises,

2)  concerned in the performance, organisation or management of the relevant production, or

3)   invited to the premises as a guest to attend an event to which the public do not have access;


  iii.  a cinema at which the supply of alcohol between midnight and 6am on any day may only be made to a person for consumption on the premises who is:

1)  a ticket holder in relation to the exhibition of a film at the premises, or

2)  invited to the premises as a guest to attend an event to which the public do not have access;


  iv.  a club which is registered as a community amateur sports club by virtue of section 658 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010(2); and


  v.  a licensed premises which is authorised to be used to supply alcohol for consumption on the premises between midnight and 6am on 1st January in every year (but are not so authorised at those times on any other day in any year).


g.  After 12 months from the commencement date of the Late Night Levy, the licencing committee will undertake a review of the levy, to include the possible introduction of a further reduction category for a best practice scheme.


2.  A full list of reduction and exemption categories are listed in Appendix A of the report.

17/07/2019 - Amendments ref: 6908    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


Amendments are set out in supplemental agenda no. 1.

17/07/2019 - Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 ref: 6904    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


(see pages 32 - 41 of the main agenda)


There was one question on the report.  The member asked a supplemental of the cabinet member for children, schools and adult care.


The recommendations were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly agreed Southwark’s Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix A of the report, in accordance to Part 3A of the Council’s Constitution.


2.  That council assembly noted the progress of the Youth Offending Service and the 2019/20 priorities which have been developed through engagement of multi-agency partners including young people and led by the Youth Crime Management Board (YCMB).

17/07/2019 - Members' Motions ref: 6909    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


MOTION 1: Promoting Equality and Valuing Diversity


This motion was considered prior to the guillotine having fallen.


Councillor Humaira Ali, seconded by Councillor Alice Macdonald, moved the motion.


Following debate (Councillors Rebecca Lury, Victoria Olisa, William Houngbo and Maria Linforth-Hall) the motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


1.  Council assembly:

a.  Asserts its pride in Southwark as one of the most diverse and vibrant parts of London, the UK and indeed Europe.

b.  Recognises the contributions that all communities, classes and cultures have made to Southwark in the past and will continue to make in future.

c.  Welcomes the promotion and integration of equality and diversity in all that the council undertakes; and in its work undertaken with partners.

d.  Welcomes its community leadership role and commits to working towards being a borough where all feel safe, included, valued and respected, as well as helping to promote good community relations in the borough so that all feel a common sense of belonging to one Southwark – a borough that welcomes and celebrates its great diversity.


2.  Council assembly acknowledges that:

a.  The level of hate crime in Southwark is still too high, with 788 incidents in 2018.

b.  The levels of hate crime and hate incidents in Southwark and across London have risen in recent years. Race-hate crime across London has increased from 8,000 incidents a year in 2012 to almost 18,000 this year. Sexual orientation hate crime across London has almost doubled in five years, from 1,092 incidents in 2014 to 2,048 incidents this year

c.  People from minority groups feel less safe as verbal and physical attacks driven by misogyny, homophobia and racism have become more frequent.

d.  A complacent assumption that hateful attitudes and discrimination will inevitably decline over time has been disproved and needs to be rejected.


3.  Council assembly notes:

a.  That in November 2017, council assembly voted unanimously to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.

b.  That both the Liberal Democrats and the Labour party have accepted the All-Party Parliamentary Group working definition of Islamophobia, defined as being ‘rooted in racism and [is] a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.’

c.  The recent acceptance of Conservative party leadership candidates to support an independent inquiry into Islamophobia within the Conservative party, and hopes that the independent inquiry will take place promptly rather than being postponed to an unspecified date.


4.  Council assembly also notes the work that the council already does to promote diversity and tackle hate crime, including:

a.  Promoting and taking part in National Hate Crime Awareness Week.

b.  Providing Hate Crime Awareness materials and resources to community, voluntary, and faith groups across the borough.

c.  Engaging more than 1,400 young people across over 30 primary and secondary schools with in-school workshops on diversity, tolerance, equalities and tackling prejudice.

d.  Funding interactive Hate Crime awareness raising workshops in five primary schools in the borough for over 400 primary school children, and securing funding for the “Free to Be” programme which will help 1,900 young people across four schools to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying and hatred. 

e.  Supporting celebrations of diversity, including Black History Month, the annual interfaith walk, council staff equality forums and networks, as well as community and voluntary organisations in Southwark that promote diversity.


5.  Council assembly asserts that:

a.  Discrimination, harassment and abuse in all its forms and manifestations is not only wrong in itself but also corrodes the core pillars of society and undermines attempts to build a secure, prosperous, and decent society that we all want to live in.

b.  There has been a lack of leadership acrossParliament in developing effective strategies to confront discrimination and the causes of these prejudices.

c.  There has been a generational failure to clearly acknowledge and celebrate the rewards we have reaped from people who have moved to the UK to build their lives here and contribute to our societies and communities as well as those rewards we will reap from people who will choose to move to the UK in the future.

d.  Southwark should be a leader and serve as a beacon to others in demonstrating how to create the tolerant, open and mutually supportive society we want to see.


6.  Council assembly:

a.  Adopts the All-Party Parliamentary Group working definition of Islamophobia.

b.  Affirms its previous adoption of the IHRA definition on antisemitism.

c.  Commits to standing up against hate and to challenging Islamophobia, antisemitism and all other forms of racism and discrimination, in our own organisations and parties as well as outside them.

d.  Calls on the civic awards sub committee to create a specific award for those who have made an outstanding contribution to making Southwark a more integrated, plural and tolerant place for us all, as part of the borough’s Civic Awards.


7.  Council assembly calls on cabinet to:

a.  Actively ensure that activities and events in Southwark acknowledge and reflect the diversity of life and society in our borough.

b.  Continue to work with schools to:

  i.  celebrate diversity

  ii.  ensure that young people are educated about hate crime, including how to tackle the spread of hate speech online

  iii.  make all Southwark schools inclusive places for all children and young people.

c.  Call on the government to make misogyny-driven attacks a hate crime and to commit additional resources to tackling the spread of hate crime.

d.  Establish diversity champions, drawn on a cross-party or non-party basis, to act as additional focal points for enabling greater integration and strengthening community bonds of belonging, solidarity, tolerance and mutual support.

e.  Launch an updated equality and diversity standard for Southwark Council.

f.  Specifically and additionally include those who have made an outstanding contribution to making Southwark a more integrated, plural and tolerant place for us all in the borough’s Civic Awards.

g.  Work with Transport for London on how to make public transport a safe place for all users.

h.  Promote and protect spaces in the Borough where people from minority groups feel safe, particularly LGBT+ spaces that have declined by 60% in Southwark over the last decade.

i.  Commit to making Southwark a borough that stands out for its integration, tolerance and mutual cross-community support, which can serve as a model for others to follow.


MOTION 2: Supporting the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Bridge


The guillotine having fallen, Amendment B was put to the vote and declared carried.  


Amendment C was put to the vote and declared lost.


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


1.  Council assembly notes:

a.  The 2016 transport motion, in which council assembly called on Transport for London (TfL) to bring forward plans for a bridge linking Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf.

b.  That since then the Rotherhithe Bridge proposal has received widespread support, with over 90% of local residents backing the plans.

c.  That local councillors have led the push for the bridge, and that the council has recognised the importance of delivering the bridge in the most recent Council Plan.

d.  The Southwark Labour manifesto pledge to work with the Mayor of London to build a new pedestrian and cycling bridge from Canada Water to Canary Wharf.

e.  The Mayor of London’s 2016 commitment to “work to break down some of the city’s physical barriers, such as by backing the Rotherhithe-Canary Wharf cycle and pedestrian bridge”.

f.  That the Mayor of London had previously expressed his support for the bridge, including by filming a video with local councillors supporting its construction.

g.  That current river crossings in the area are seriously overcrowded, with serious traffic issues in the approach to the Rotherhithe Tunnel, and Canada Water station having to be closed during rush hour as a result of safety concerns.

h.  That the current ferry service across the river is both expensive and has a very low capacity.

i.  That if the cost of ferry tickets were to be subsidised by TfL, or even made free, its limited capacity would not solve the overcrowding issues which the bridge would address.

j.  That there is no segregated cycle lane across Tower Bridge, making it harder for cyclists to safely cross the river.

k.  The council’s plans to clean up the air and help people make healthy choices of walking and cycling are much more challenging if the bridge is cancelled.

l.  That the whole of east and southeast London stand to gain from this bridge being built.


2.   Council assembly further recognises:

a.  That the significant growth planned in the Canada Water area, including an increase in new homes and job opportunities, will require a significant investment in transport infrastructure.

b.  That the current plans for the area anticipate the bridge being built.

c.  That TfL’s budget has been cut as a result of Conservative austerity, and that the decision to pause work on the bridge has been made as a result of financial pressures, rather than because TfL consider the bridge to be unnecessary.

d.  That TfL are continuing to press ahead with the Silvertown Tunnel scheme, despite the significant cost of this scheme, and the concerns that have been raised about its negative impact on the local area and environment.

e.  That the council has previously publicly stated its support for the bridge, including financial support through the Community Infrastructure Levy.


3.  Council assembly believes:

a.  That the recent TfL decision to ‘pause’ progress on plans to deliver the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Bridge is the wrong one and condemns the decision.


4.  Council assembly therefore calls on cabinet to:

a.  Continue to lobby TfL to reconsider their decision not to progress with plans for the bridge.

b.  To ask TfL to share details of the increase in cost with the council and commit to jointly review the cost for the bridge.

c.  Seek an urgent meeting with Heidi Alexander, Deputy Mayor of London for Transport to relay the strength of feeling within the local community and urge TfL to reconsider, as well as seek assurances on other major transport infrastructure commitments in the borough, including committing to extending Santander Cycles to Canada Water.

d.  Call on TfL to address in a full and proper manner the concerns and recommendations raised by the council in relation to the proposals for the new Silvertown Tunnel, which will impact negatively on the quality of life of a vast number of people who live and work in the borough.

e.  Work with TfL to deliver on plans to extend the Bike Hire scheme across Bermondsey to Surrey Docks, along the CS4 route to where the bridge is planned to be built, by no later than April 2022.


MOTION 3: A permanent memorial to remember the terrorist attacks in London Bridge and Borough Market


The guillotine having fallen, Amendment D was put to the vote and declared carried.  


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


1.  Council assembly notes that:

a.  3 June 2019 marks the second anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks which took place on London Bridge and in Borough Market.

b.  Eight people lost their lives and a further forty-eight people were injured in the attacks.

c.  In addition to those directly involved, many in the local communities in Borough, Bankside and London Bridge are still affected by the traumatic events.


2.  Council assembly praises:

a.  The swiftness of those who responded to the attack, who in their speed and bravery saved the lives of many.

b.  The spirit of solidarity and social cohesion that flourished following the attacks, showing to the world that Southwark stood together against hate.

c.  The continued support that has been offered to victims, witnesses and those affected.

d.  Southwark Council staff, both for their work in responding at the time and for the work they have done since the attack, including making appropriate arrangements to commemorate the first and second anniversaries of the attack, and sharing learning from the response to the attack with other local authorities around the country.

e.  The Humanitarian Assistance Steering Group, which is led by the council and includes representatives from the Metropolitan Police Service, the NHS, charitable bodies, Borough Market, Team London Bridge, Bankside Residents Forum and others, for their ongoing work, including starting to consult the victims and their families on a permanent memorial in March this year, and ensuring support continues to be available for the victims, their families, and all who were affected.


3.  Council assembly calls on cabinet to:

a.  Continue to support the Humanitarian Assistance Steering Group to establish a permanent memorial to commemorate those who were killed and injured. This memorial should provide a fitting tribute to those who lost their lives and offer a place of remembrance, as well as acknowledging those who were injured, and the wider community impact.

b.  Ensure that the voices of victims, their families, local representatives and the wider community are heard, respected and taken into account throughout the process of creating a permanent memorial, including on the design, location and nature of the memorial.


MOTION 4: Adult Social Care


The guillotine having fallen, Amendment E was put to the vote and declared lost.  


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


1.  Council assembly notes:

a.  That social care is in crisis, which puts at risk tens of thousands of older and disabled people who could end up being denied even the most basic personal support such as help with washing or dressing. Yet despite this, the Conservative government has no strategy or plan to deal with this.

b.  Southwark Council continues to do the very best for our residents by delivering our commitments for a fairer future for all. The council is doing this despite the malign neglect of central government.

c.  Southwark is having to continually find new ways to ensure that we support people with profound and increasingly complex needs as well as work to transform lives for the better.

d.  That the coalition government and now the Conservative government have no sustainable plan and are failing to deliver adequate funds to local authorities which risks putting Southwark’s current high standard of social care under threat.


2.  Council assembly further notes:

a.  That across the country local council spending on social care has dropped in real terms and is now £700 million below what it was in 2010/11. That this is despite an ageing population and a 2 per cent rise in new requests for adult social care since 2015/16, which reached 1.84 million requests in 2018.

b.  That a recent study from the King's Fund warns that fewer people are receiving care, with almost 13,000 fewer granted help over the same period

c.  That the study found it is not just older people who are requesting help, with a rise in the number of adults of working age seeking support as levels of disability rise. Since 2015/16, there has been a rise from 1.31 million to 1.32 million older people requesting help, while among working-age people requests have gone up from just over 500,000 to nearly 524,000.

d.  That more than 7,000 working-age people are receiving long-term support compared with 2015/16, but there more than 20,000 fewer older people receiving it.

e.  That failure to address a systematic undervaluing of autistic people, dementia sufferers and disabled people in general make the sort of abuse uncovered by Panorama at Whorlton Hall more likely to occur again in the future.


3.  Council assembly recognises:

a.  That in Southwark, members of our community can access high quality information, advice and coordinated community services that prevent, reduce and delay their needs for social care support.

b.  That adults with eligible support needs and their carers have access to services which maximise independence and choice, and enable them to live healthy, safe and fulfilling lives in their community.

c.  That the council’s vision and priorities for the period April 2018 to March 2020 flows from the council’s vision first developed in 2015. This vision and priorities are driven by the belief that the council should be “Empowering and enabling people to live fulfilled and independent lives with dignity and respect”.

d.  That Southwark council has put these values into practice, and taken a number of important steps to improve adult social care services, including by:

i)  Implementing the Southwark Ethical Care Charter, which has significantly increased satisfaction rates in the service, meaning the satisfaction rates are now well above the national average

ii)  Establishing a Reablement Service that works with the NHS to successfully support 82% of adult care service users in their own homes following hospital discharge

iii)  Protecting funding for adult mental health services.

iv)  Agreeing plans to open two new nursing homes, one in Burgess Park and one in Camberwell

v)  Making it easier for people to access mental health services, disability services and older people services through our hub and satellite

vi)  Working with the NHS, the voluntary sector to create a sustainable, high quality integrated care system locally

vii)  Developing a Residential Care Charter that will recognise the importance of demonstrating the value of workers in the care system.


4.  Council assembly resolves to call on cabinet to:

a.  Condemn this Conservative government for shamefully abandoning older people and young adults with care needs.

b.  Call on the government to publish a 10 year social care plan, in line with the 10 year NHS plan, publish a Green Paper on adult social care, and reverse cuts to adult social care funding and expand provision by restoring local government funding.


MOTION 5: Monthly Leave Your Car At Home Days


The guillotine having fallen, Amendment F was put to the vote and declared lost.  


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


1.  Council assembly welcomes:

a.  The Mayor of London's and the council’s commitment to take part in international car free day on Sunday 22 September 2019.

b.  Southwark's role in the Mayor's centrepiece of this year's event with the closure to traffic of Tower Bridge and most of Tooley Street on that day, along with non-bus traffic across London Bridge, as part of a car free zone that also includes much of the City of London.


2.  Council assembly recognises:

a.  That in addition to the impact on air quality in cities like London, cars are a major contributor to carbon emissions and long term climate change.

b.  The role that the Fizz Free Feb campaign has had in highlighting the public health risk posed by sugar and to encourage people to make personal pledges to change their behaviour.


3.  Council assembly believes that a similar public health approach to car use is important in changing behaviour.


4.  Council assembly reaffirms its commitment to take action to tackle the climate emergency and welcomes international car free day as a positive step towards this.


5.  Council assembly therefore calls on cabinet to:

a.  Develop proposals to introduce a Leave Your Car At Home day every month on all Southwark roads, where the council will encourage road users to leave their car at home, and use alternative ways to travel.

b.  Work with community groups, schools, businesses and our residents to build support across the borough which change habits and get more people out of their cars.

c.  Work with councils across London and the Mayor of London to follow Southwark’s lead to build support for a monthly Leave Your Car At Home days across London.

d.  Encourage more people to make use of the council’s play streets scheme so that more streets are enjoyed by local children and communities.

17/07/2019 - Members' question time ref: 6903    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


There was one late question to the leader from Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, the written response to which was circulated on yellow paper at the meeting.  There were two supplemental questions.


There were 31 members’ questions, the written responses to which were circulated on yellow paper at the meeting.  There were seven supplemental questions.

17/07/2019 - Deputation Requests ref: 6902    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


As part of the programme motion the meeting agreed to hear deputations from:


Southwark Safe Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP)/Team London Bridge


The group’s representative spoke to the meeting for five minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for finance, performance and Brexit.


One member asked questions of the deputation.


Pulse/XXL London


The group’s representative spoke to the meeting for five minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for growth, development and planning


Two members asked questions of the deputation.


Promoting Equality and Valuing Diversity in Southwark


The group’s representative spoke to the meeting for five minutes and thereafter asked a question of the cabinet member for community safety and public health


Three members asked questions of the deputation.

17/07/2019 - Motion on the theme ref: 6901    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


The cabinet member for growth, development and planning, Councillor Johnson Situ, and the cabinet member for environment, transport and the climate emergency, Councillor Richard Livingstone, presented the motion on the themed debate.


Councillor Damian O'Brien, the majority opposition group spokesperson, responded to the cabinet member's motion and proposed Amendment A.


Following debate, the cabinet member for growth, development and planning, Councillor Johnson Situ, responded to the debate.


Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be Lost.


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be Carried.




Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.


Delivering the transport infrastructure for Southwark’s future


1.  Council assembly notes:

a.  The Southwark Labour manifesto and council plan commitment to creating a fairer future for Southwark, where every resident has the chance to thrive, and make the most of the opportunities being created in the borough.

b.  That we want a borough where growth works for all, with high quality employment, healthcare, schools, park and libraries for residents. 

c.  That in order for our residents to be able to access these opportunities being created in Southwark, there needs to be an accessible, sustainable transport network, right across the whole borough. 

d.  That the Southwark Labour manifesto committed to delivering the transport infrastructure needed for Southwark’s future by pledging to:

i)  Campaign to re-open Camberwell train station

ii)  Make cycling accessible for all, increase cycle hangers where people want them, boost access to cycle hire and double the proportion of journeys in Southwark done by bike

iii)  Campaign for three new tube stations on the Old Kent Road, including one at the Bricklayers Arms

iv)  Work with the Mayor of London to build a new pedestrian and cycling bridge from Canada Water to Canary Wharf

v)  Develop a green walking network

vi)  Adapt lamp posts to charge electric cars so that every home is within waking distance of a charging point

vii)  Campaign to reinstate the frequency of the RV1 bus service.

e.  The progress made against these commitments, including: 

i)  Making cycling safer and easier by delivering 7.8 kilometres of cycle ways, and providing bikeability training to 3,484 children and 1,359 adults

ii)  Creating the ‘Back the Bakerloo’ campaign, in partnership with Lewisham Council, to which nearly 17,500 local residents and businesses have pledged their support

iii)  Improving accessibility at Peckham Rye station, as, thanks to the council’s lobbying, the government has committed funds to installing a lift in the station

iv)  Adapting 81 lamp posts into electric charging points, with many more in the pipeline, enabling residents to move away from greenhouse gas emitting petrol or diesel cars

v)  Working with Network Rail to redevelop London Bridge station, making it a station fit for the future and accessible to all.


2.  Council assembly further notes:

a.  That at the March 2019 council assembly, council assembly declared a climate emergency.

b.  That for the council to play its part in addressing the recently announced climate emergency, it will need to continue to promote the shift from driving to walking, cycling and public transport.

c.  That in April cabinet agreed the Movement Plan, committing the council to transport polices that promote walking and cycling, improve air quality and safety, and reduce carbon.

d.  That wherever possible, the council has worked closely with Transport for London (TfL) to enable them to deliver schemes that benefit the borough.

e.  That thanks to Conservative austerity, TfL’s budget has been dramatically reduced by £700m a year.

f.  That despite the council’s close partnership working with TfL, they have made a number of disappointing decisions, such as the withdrawal of the RV1 bus service, the decision not to include a third station at Bricklayers Arms in their proposals for the Bakerloo line extension, and the recent decision to halt work on the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf pedestrian bridge, despite widespread community and cross-party support for each of these.

g.  That TfL’s decisions make it harder for the council to promote walking, cycling and public transport, improve air quality, and tackle the climate emergency.

h.  That although TfL’s decisions are understandably based on their reduced budget, council assembly remains disappointed that they have not done more to work with the council to deliver the transport infrastructure needed for Southwark’s future.


3.  Council assembly resolves to call on cabinet to:

a.  Campaign for better transport links in Southwark’s transport ‘not spots’, where residents are not within a short walk of a train, overground or tube station (see map).

b.   Campaign for better accessibility to Southwark’s transport, including:

i)  Calling on the government to continue the work that will be done at Denmark Hill and Peckham Rye stations and ensure lifts and step free access in all stations in the borough

ii)  Support the improvement of the Canada Water station interchange

iii)  Calling on TfL to ensure accessible, step free access along bus routes and reinstate the RV1 bus

iv)  Call on TfL to ensure adequate support available at underground and overground stations for those who need it by keeping ticket offices open.

c.  Continue to work to ensure that transport in the borough is sustainable, including promoting active travel, in particular, walking and cycling, and continue to work with TfL to deliver the extension of the Santander Cycle scheme in Southwark.

d.  Continue to lobby TfL to rethink their decision to pause work on the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf bridge.

e.  Review planning policy in the light of the climate emergency to ensure the planning process promotes sustainable, environmentally friendly transport options for the borough.

17/07/2019 - Community Evidence on the Themed Debate ref: 6900    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


The meeting agreed to receive submissions from the following:


Florence Eshalomi AM


The representative spoke to the meeting for five minutes.


The representative asked a question of the relevant cabinet member.


Two members asked questions of the representative.


Supporters of the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Bridge


The group's representatives spoke to the meeting for five minutes.


The group asked a question of the relevant cabinet member.


Three members asked questions of the group.


SE5 Forum for Camberwell


The group's representatives spoke to the meeting for five minutes.


The group asked a question of the relevant cabinet member.


Three members asked questions of the group.

17/07/2019 - Petitions ref: 6898    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


There were none.

17/07/2019 - Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive ref: 6910    Information Only

Decision Maker: Council Assembly

Made at meeting: 17/07/2019 - Council Assembly

Decision published: 20/08/2019

Effective from: 17/07/2019


There were none.