Issue - decisions

Ledbury Estate Towers - Ledbury Towers Residents' Ballot

03/02/2021 - Ledbury Estate Towers - Ledbury Towers Residents' Ballot



Decisions of Cabinet


1.  That the detailed resident engagement to date be noted and Ledbury Resident Project Group be thanked for their work to date.


2.  That it be noted that the proposals align with the Great Estates programme for redevelopment proposals and as such the below five tests will be achieved.


·  a positive ballot on any new estate regeneration (as per the commitment in the Council Plan 2018-2022)

·  a net increase in social rent homes alongside increased density, to meet the acute need of families on our waiting list

·  a right to remain for all rehoused tenants and leaseholders, for keeping communities together

·  intensive co-design of redevelopment proposal, to become co-authors of a new estate plan

·  a clear rationale for any redevelopment proposal, including an explanation of how this would increase housing supply (based on comprehensive density modelling) and/or a transparent stock condition survey.


3.  That it be agreed to proceed to a resident ballot for the final option, on the basis of the proposals and commitments within the landlord offer document, for the Ledbury Towers in March 2021. The final option is that the Towers will be demolished in phases, starting with Bromyard House first and replaced with up to 333 homes.


4.  That authority be delegated to the strategic director of housing and modernisation in consultation with the cabinet member for housing any amendments to the landlord offer document in advance of the resident ballot.


5.  That it be agreed to receive a report on the outcome of the ballot and a further report on the consequent delivery programme and financial implications in July 2021.


6.  That a variation to the housing investment programme, making provision for the estimated costs of developing the delivery programme and assessing financial implications in advance of the cabinet report in July be agreed.


Decisions of the Leader of the Council


7.  That the authority to approve a dedicated Ledbury Estate local lettings policy subject to a majority vote in favour of the redevelopment option in the resident ballot be delegated to the cabinet member for housing.


8.  That the authority to agree a bespoke shared equity lease for the existing leaseholders in the Ledbury Towers which will allow sub-letting be delegated to the cabinet member for housing.