Issue - decisions

Council response to COVID-19 pandemic update

20/01/2021 - Covid-19: Update on local infection rate and response

It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent so that cabinet could take account of the latest health, social care and wider impact data following the move to a national lockdown on 6 January 2021.  In doing so and noting the report, cabinet could put in place any immediate, necessary next steps on policy and resource direction for the council, where required.




1.  That the latest position on Southwark’s COVID infection rate (Appendix 1 of the report) and overall local response following the move to national lockdown on 6 January 2021 be noted.


2.  That all residents, staff, schools, partners, volunteers, providers, suppliers and all in our community be thanked for their continuing work and dedication in supporting our residents and businesses through the pandemic safely.


3.  That condolence is expressed to all those who have lost loved ones at this time, noting that work continues as part of the local humanitarian response.


4.  That the early progress on the vaccination programme roll out be welcomed and stands ready for the council to support future roll out to residents.