Issue - decisions

Cabinet response to the Climate Emergency strategy scrutiny review

17/01/2021 - Cabinet response to the Climate Emergency strategy scrutiny review

Cllr Johnson Situ, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Planning & Transport  thanked  the commission for the report and said that he is absolutely happy to keep coming back to update on development of the strategy.


The following points were made in the subsequent discussion:


·  Ecology and biodiversity is a key part of the strategy. The approach is to talk about ‘people, place and planet’. All our impacts on the planet are included in this, as well as celebrating a sense of place.


·  Monitoring will be key and establishing measurements that are meaningful across the borough.


·  The strategy is aiming for a high level of engagement and ownership with residents and stakeholders.


·  Members said it was critical to engage stakeholders in order to drive change.  The cabinet member said that the council is on the cusp of announcing a plan for leaders in Southwark and for planned citizen’s panels.


·  The climate strategy will be engaging with schools and young people, who were front and centre at the conference.


·  The conference is an annual commitment; there was widespread enthusiasm to attend.