Issue - decisions

Community Hub - supporting the needs of the most vulnerable

09/09/2020 - Community Hub - supporting the needs of the most vulnerable

It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent so that cabinet could agree and put in place necessary next steps on support for vulnerable residents when the current arrangement ends at the end of September that will allow the council and partners to continue to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the borough.




1.  That the considerable efforts from all involved in the community hub in the provision of support to the most vulnerable in the community during the worst impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic be noted.


2.  That the significant contribution of the voluntary and community sector in the localised provision of support networks within Southwark be recognised and the work being undertaken to build on the existing and future network be supported.


3.  That the outcomes from the review into the future of the community hub and the considerable impact from the contributors in steering the recommendations in the report be welcomed.


4.  That the approach to ensuring a managed transition for people supported by the Covid-19 Community Hub be agreed, stepping down support where it is no longer needed and ensuring people who need ongoing assistance are matched with the appropriate support. This work will continue between now and December 2020.


5.  That the Covid-19 community support plan that sets out the emergency operating model in the event of a further spike in Covid-19 or a further lockdown be agreed.


6.  That officers be instructed to test new ways of providing housing, employment, skills, money, social care and immigration support in local communities, including testing how support from established public and voluntary and community sector (VCS) providers can be made accessible in partnership with local community ‘anchor’ organisations rooted in each part of the borough. 


7.  That officers to bring a further report back to cabinet in October 2020 that sets out a more detailed plan for implementation of the council’s response to the recommendations of the review working group.