Issue - decisions

QR4 Pause and reconsider

21/10/2020 - Recommendation to Stop and Close Queens Road 4



1.  That the decision to formally stop and close the Queens Road 4 (QR4) programme (including terminating construction contracts) be taken, following the impact of COVID-19 on the way in which services are delivered moving forward, and taking into account the considerable financial challenges forecast over the coming months.


2.  That officers in regeneration and new homes, in consultation with the cabinet member for housing, appoint an architect, from the Southwark Architects Framework, to undertake a feasibility to explore the potential use of the site at 128-148 Asylum Road (QR4) as a housing redevelopment opportunity.


3.  That the need to find alternative service delivery accommodation solutions for staff based in Talfourd Place (28 staff), Curlew House (90 staff), Sumner House (182 staff) and Bournemouth Road (95 staff) be noted.


4.  That it be noted that this recommendation includes the termination of the pre-construction services agreement (PCSA) contract, leading to the need, if required, to reappoint contractors later, including potential redesign. The costs, timeline and scope would need to be picked up as a new programme with revised governance in place.


5.  That it be noted this recommendation may impact the council's ability to release the current candidate sites for redevelopment into new homes, impacting on Southwark’s new homes target, as outlined in Table 1 of the report.


6.  That it be noted that the Pelican Estate redevelopment scheme cannot be delivered without the release of both Curlew House and Talfourd Place with these buildings intrinsically linked.


7.  That it be noted that this recommendation may negatively impact the council's commitment to be net carbon neutral by 2030, by not disposing of inefficient old buildings and redeveloping these sites to be environmentally sustainable.


8.  That it be noted that officers have started on the path towards developing a new staff accommodation strategy, developing new ways of working and establishing a clear vision for a future operating model moving forward.