Issue - decisions

Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval for Main Works for Flaxyard and Peckham Library Square

17/07/2019 - Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval for Main Works for Flaxyard and Peckham Library Square

The report had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the report as urgent in order to maintain the delivery timetable of the council’s new homes programme. Another key driver was the need for Peckham Platform who will be taking the gallery space at the Peckham Library Square site to draw down their Art Council grant for the fit out of the new gallery by April 2021. If there was a delay to gateway 1 being presented to cabinet for the main works contract, this would have a serious impact upon the delivery timescales.




Decisions by the Cabinet


1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report for a design and build contract through the Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) framework for the construction of new homes at Flaxyard and Peckham Library Square commencing on 27 January 2020, at an estimated value of £38.2m (which includes the cost of any pre-construction services agreement - PCSA) for a period of 2 years, or until the main works complete, be approved.


2.  That it be noted that the total project funding requirement at an estimated value of £42.5m will be met through Greater London Authority (GLA) grant and the housing investment programme (HIP) resources and the financial assumptions underpinning this investment as outlined in paragraph 75 of this report.


Decisions by the Leader of the Council


3.  That the award decision outlined in the report for the design and build contract and a PCSA for Flaxyard and Peckham Library Square be delegated to the strategic director of housing and modernisation in consultation with the cabinet member for social regeneration, great estates and new council homes.