Issue - decisions

Maxted Road raised zebra crossing

19/02/2018 - Maxted Road raised zebra crossing

1.  That the implementation of a new raised zebra crossing on Maxted Road and the removal of three on-street parking spaces as shown in Appendix C be approved subject to the necessary statutory procedures.

2.  That the approval of the raised zebra crossing be implemented independently of the Southwark Spine so that it can be fast-tracked for following reasons:

·  Urgency to improve pedestrian safety particularly for Belham Primary School pupils;

·  High level of community support for the project;

·  The raised zebra crossing is unlikely to impact the remaining proposals on the Southwark Spine.

3.  That the new raised zebra crossing be located on Maxted Road, approximately 20 metres from Bellenden Road, and will result in a net loss of three on-street parking spaces.