Issue - decisions


27/06/2017 - Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Road, London SE21 7AD

Planning application reference number: 17/AP/0624


Report: see pages 11 – 23 of the agenda pack and pages 1, 2 and 4 of the addendum report.




Construction of a detached single storey temporary pavilion building.


Dipesh Patel informed the meeting that paragraph 3.2 in the addendum report had been added in error and that this information should be disregarded.


The sub-committee heard an introduction to the report and addendum report from a planning officer. Members asked questions of the officers.


There were no objectors who wished to speak.


The applicant’s agent addressed the meeting. Members asked questions of the applicant’s agent.


There were no supporters of the application living within 100 metres of the development site who wished to speak.


There were no ward members present who wished to speak.


Members debated the application and asked further questions of officers.


A motion to grant the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




That planning permission for application number 17/AP/0624 be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report including the following amendments:


·  Removing condition 4


·  Additional conditions stipulating:


o  that the use of the pavilion shall not be carried out outside the hours of 8am to 11pm on any day


o  any music must be turned down to background level after 9pm on any day


o  that egress for guests will be exclusively via the Gallery Road exit after 9.30pm on any day.


The application was granted subject to the amended conditions, because they were considered sufficient to mitigate the potential for any harm to amenity.


Councillors asked for a letter to be sent by officers to the objectors explaining why it was felt the hours could be extended. 


Following this item, at 8:20pm the meeting adjourned for a five minute break.