Issue - decisions

Policy and resources strategy: revenue monitoring report outturn, including treasury management 2016-17

19/07/2017 - Revenue Monitoring Report and Treasury Management 2016-17 Outturn Report



1.  That the general fund outturn position for 2016-17 (table 1 of the report) be noted.


2.  That the key variations and budget pressures underlying the outturn position be noted:


·  continuing pressures on children’s and adults’ social care and public health leading to an overall adverse variance of £14.887m (paragraphs 25 to 38 of the report)

·  the budget pressures on No Recourse to Public Funds (paragraph 48 of the report)

·  Other various adverse variations including ICT and facilities management (paragraphs 48 to 53 of the report).


3.  That the actions of the budget recovery board set up to oversee action plans to address children’s and adults social care pressures (paragraph 39, Appendix A of the report) be noted.


4.  That the variations helping to relieve the outturn position be noted:


·  one-off favourable variances in strategic finance, including early realisation of MRP savings (paragraphs 56 of the report)

·  utilisation of £4m contingency (paragraph 60) to offset adverse variances across the council

·  planned use of earmarked reserves to fund the residual costs of the enhanced voluntary redundancy scheme (EVR) of £5.264m and a further £2.180m which has been capitalised

·  planned use of departmental and financial risk reserves of £18.058m.


5.  That, as set out in the previous period 8 monitoring report to cabinet, the unplanned use of reserves to fund the total adverse variation from budget after the planned use of reserves of £8.830m be noted.


6.  That the following in respect of ring-fenced budgets be noted:


·  housing revenue account outturn for 2016-17 (table 2, paragraphs 63 of the report)

·  the dedicated schools outturn and utilisation of £8.922m reserves (paragraphs 70).


7.  That the detailed utilisation of reserves in 2016-17 and closing reserve balances as set out in the report (paragraph 73 to 78 of the report) be noted.


8.  That the treasury management activity in 2016-17 (paragraphs 87 to 92 of the report) be noted.


9.  That the general fund budget movements that exceed £250k, as shown in Appendix B of the report be approved.


10.  That the general fund budget movements that are less than £250k as shown in Appendix B of the report be noted.


11.  That the outturn position implications for the 2017-18 budgets and beyond set out in paragraph 84 of the report be noted.