Issue - decisions

Gateway 1: Procurement strategy - Approval Lot A

03/04/2017 - Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval Southwark Regeneration in Partnership Programme Procurement Approval - Lot A



1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report to undertake an EU procurement to identify development partners for mixed tenure housing including commercial units and schools for Lot A of the Southwark Regeneration in Partnership Programme at an estimated total Gross Development Value to those development partners of £278,300,000 for a period of up to five years be approved.


2.  That the composition and indicative housing tenure mix as outlined in paragraph 26 of the report in the revised Lot A of the Southwark Regeneration in Partnership Programme be approved.


3.  That the packaging of nine sites into six distinct sub lots as outlined in paragraph 37 of the report be approved.


4.  That the delegation of the award decision in the Gateway 2 reports for lots A1 – A4 inclusive as detailed in paragraph 37 of the report to the chief executive in consultation with the cabinet member for regeneration and homes for the reasons noted in paragraph 45 of the report be approved.


5.  That it be noted that the Gateway 2 reports for the more complex lots, A5 and A6, will be presented to cabinet, and that every necessary Education Consent including section 77 will be obtained prior to entering into any contract.