Issue - decisions

Gateway 1: Procurement strategy approval - contractor services for the delivery of Commercial Way new homes

08/06/2016 - Gateway 1: Procurement Strategy Approval - Contractor Services for the Delivery of Commercial Way New Homes Delivery



Decision of the Cabinet


1.  That the procurement strategy to undertake an OJEU tendering process for one of the New Homes Delivery Phase 2 sites (as noted in paragraph 3 of the report) – Commercial Way (two sites bordering Cronin Street) be approved. The total estimated construction works contract sum of the project is £16,735,230. It is estimated that the length of the individual build contracts will be for approximately 18 to 24 months.


Decision of  the Leader of the Council


2.  That the Gateway 2 decision for Commercial Way be delegated to the chief executive for the reason outlined in paragraph 28 of the report.