Issue - decisions

Improvements to Albion Street

10/12/2014 - Albion Street Regeneration



1.  That a section of 2,260sqm of the site of the Albion Primary School, shown outlined on the plan at Appendix 1 to the report, be released from education use subject to consent of the Secretary of State and that a budget of £12m (including fees and contingency) be made available to replace the school on the rest of the site.


2.  That it be noted that as part of the Secretary of State consent process for change of use of education land, the value of the released land must be used for education purposes, which in this case, for consent purposes, shall be to part fund the provision of a new two form entry Albion Primary School.


3.  That the sourcing of appropriate funding to deliver the new Albion School be delegated to the strategic director of finance and corporate services and to update cabinet through the quarterly monitor reports.


4.  That subject to the outcome of an application for the consent of the Secretary of State for Education to change the use of the released land, it be agreed that the land shall be used for the delivery of new council homes and to that end  the appropriation of the land from education to housing be authorised.


5.  That the outcome of the recent public consultation exercise into the principle of releasing the school land and the response to issues raised be noted, which are set out in Appendix 2 to the report, which shall become part of the application for Secretary of State consent.


6.  That the scope for the Albion Street Regeneration Framework be extended to include land around 71-75 Albion Street, shown on the plan at Appendix 3 to the report, with a view to delivering a mix use development including new council homes.


7.  That progress with delivery of the regeneration of Albion Street as set out in the body of the report be noted.