Issue - decisions

Integrated Community Support - A New Commissioning Strategy, underpinned by an Ethical Care Charter

23/07/2014 - Integrated Community Support - A New Commissioning Strategy, underpinned by an Ethical Care Charter

Councillor Victoria Mills, having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, left the meeting room while this item was discussed and representations were made by UNISON.


UNISON and a homecare worker addressed cabinet on behalf of the home care workers in Southwark to raise a number of issues including the 16 hour threshold and eligibility to claim working tax credit and a request for consideration to bring the home care service back ‘in house’.




1.  That  the Southwark ethical care charter as set out in paragraph 20 of the report be agreed.


2.  That the commissioning strategy for integrated community support (including homecare), as set out in paragraphs 34 - 36 of the report, which is underpinned by the Southwark ethical care charter, be agreed.


3.  That the proposed variation and extension of the council’s universal homecare contracts to ensure that, by the end of October 2014, (a) care workers are paid for their travel time, (b) care workers are offered a guaranteed level of working hours each week as an alternative to zero hours contracts and (c) that the council continues to meet its statutory responsibilities and that there is continuity of care for existing service users be noted. These changes are being considered alongside this report in an individual decision-making (IDM) report by the cabinet member of adult care, arts and culture.


4.  That provision will be made through the forthcoming policy and resourcing strategy of up to £5.2 million for the implementation of the charter to be represented by a combination of procurement and commissioning, existing budgets and the potential for the use of any Better Care Fund monies and earmarked reserves be noted.


5.  That the interim strategic director of children’s and adults’ services in consideration of other decisions, bring forward a gateway 1 procurement report for integrated community support by October 2014.