Issue - decisions

Tenant fund 2012/13

25/06/2012 - Tenant fund 2012/13


1.  That the proposed 2012/2013 tenants fund budget be agreed as summarised in appendix 1 below with due consideration given to comments made during consultation, especially those from tenant fund management committee (TFMC) and tenant council (see Key consultation issues in paragraphs).


2.  That it be noted that income from carry forward and home owner fund contributions to tenant and resident association grants cannot be finalised until financial statements are completed for 2011/12.


3.  That the bids for projects and other items from the contingency should be submitted to TFMC during quarter one and for TFMC to recommend a package of further expenditure to the cabinet member for housing for approval be agreed.


4.  That further to consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, it be recommended that the request for an additional £40k received from SGTO to fund a Research and Campaigns Officer is subject to the submission of a formal business case, to be considered alongside other business case requests for funding from contingency and that a further report is brought back for consideration in July 2012.