Issue - decisions

Housing investment - confirmation of the five year programme

19/10/2011 -

An updated Table 12 – Hawkstone survey responses, paragraph 79 of the report was circulated at the meeting.  An additional Table relating to Abbeyfield survey responses, referred to in paragraph 80 of the report was also circulated at the meeting.




1.  That the outcome of the Stage 2 resident consultation on the draft five year housing investment programme and the feedback from the area housing forums, tenants council, home owners council and the decent homes review working party on the proposals be noted.


2.  That the advice from the government Department of Communities and Local Government that the £11m government backlog funding will be paid as a cash grant be noted and officers come forward with detailed proposals to allocate the £11m of additional resources.  The grant is for social housing tenants only so any of the monies spent on communal repairs will be recharged to leaseholders.  The resultant service charges could generate up to £4m of extra income should all the grant be spent on communal repairs.


3.  That the five year housing investment programme, revised in the light of the Stage 2 resident consultation, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved, and officers be instructed to proceed with the implementation of the programme.


4.  That the impact of the Lands Tribunal decision on the deliverability of the programme; the risks associated with it, and the contingency arrangements in place to mitigate these risks be noted.


5.  That progress of the options appraisal project on Abbeyfield, Four Squares and Hawkstone estates be noted and the revised project plan outlined in paragraph 72 of the report be amended to defer the Abbeyfield and 4 Squares report to a February cabinet and agreed.


6.  That the amendments to the option appraisal model’s strategic fit objectives proposed in paragraph 75 of the report be noted and agreed.