Agenda item

Members' Decisions (8:50pm)


Summary of the actions / decisions: Monday February 8 2010


6. DECISION: That the minutes of the Walworth Community Council meeting held on December 9 2009 be approved as an accurate record of that meeting.  Action: Walworth Councillors.


8. ACTION: Councillor Stanton (Council Leader) to look into whether it is viable to have air quality control units in the Elephant and Castle area as a part of the regeneration process.  Action: Councillors Nick Stanton/Paul Noblet.


10. ACTION: A local TRA Chair said, that £22,000 Cleaner, Greener, Safer money had been granted last year but as yet no works had taken place.
Cllr Lauder asked for officers to report back to the next meeting with an update.  Action: Elonora Oliva/CGS team.

12. ACTION: Officers to report back to the next meeting on:


i)  The possible improvements that can be made to reduce the risk of accidents at the junction of Penrose Street and Walworth Road.


ii)  The possibility of a pedestrian control / safety measure at the junction of East Street and the Old Kent Road.


Action: Richard Harris/E&H/Highways


AOB. ACTION: Tolook into the prospect of ‘Veolia’ being invited to a future meeting to speak about the Manor Place Depot.  Action: Chair/Sally Masson


13. ACTION: East Street Market to be an agenda item at the next meeting on 16 March 2010.  Action: Chair/Bob Barber?Neil Martindale.


14. DECISION (EXECUTIVE): That the local parking scheme, Oakley Place be approved for implementation subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory procedures. Action: Tim Walker/Paul Gellard.


14. DECISION: That Ellen Fraser be reappointed to the role of School Governor at Townsend Primary.  Action: Pam Rayment.

14. DECISION: That Jason Williams be appointed to the role of School Governor at Robert Browning Primary.  Action: Pam Rayment.


Published Tuesday 9th February 2010.

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