Agenda item

Deputation Requests


Report:  See pages 2-9 of the main agenda


The meeting agreed to hear two deputations on the Aylesbury Area Action Plan (see item 7.2 on the agenda)


The representative for the Burgess Park Action Group, Donnachadh McCarthy, addressed the meeting.  Councillors Caroline Pidgeon and James Gurling asked the deputation questions.  The Mayor thanked the deputation which then withdrew to the public gallery.


The representative for Aylesbury tenants and residents addressed the meeting.  Councillors Paul Bates, Richard Thomas, Abdul Mohamed, Kim Humphreys and Caroline Pidgeon asked the deputation questions. The Mayor thanked the deputation which then withdrew to the public gallery.


At this point in the proceedings, the Mayor stated that he intended to vary the order of business to consider item 7.2 – Adoption of Local Development Document: Aylesbury Area Action Plan (see relevant minute below).

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