Agenda item

Motion 4 - Improving public transport on the River Thames


Report:  See pages 69-70 of the main agenda


The guillotine having fallen, Councillors David Hubber and Lewis Robinson, formally moved and seconded the motion. 


Councillors Barrie Hargrove and Althea Smith formally moved and seconded Amendment H.


Amendment H was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




That council assembly notes:


1.  The River Thames is an integral part of the London Borough of Southwark, not just as a landmark, but as part of our transport system.


2.  The recent publication of the report “At a Rate of Knots – Improving Public Transport on the Thames”, that contains a number of proposals to improve river transport.


That council assembly believes:


3.  That the restoration of the River Thames on the next edition of the standard tube map, recognising its potential as part of London’s transport network, should be welcomed.


4.  Improved river transport will attract more visitors to the borough, as demonstrated by the successful shuttle service which runs between Tate Modern and Tate Britain.


5.  The council’s plans to complete the Thames Path in Southwark will provide greater accessibility to river transport and enable visitors to explore the borough with greater ease.


6.   That the potential for the expansion of river services exists, although it would wish to be assured that increased public subsidy for river services (as recommended by “At a Rate of Knots”) could be achieved without a knock-on effect on subsidy levels for those transport modes on which a wider range of Southwark residents rely, including buses, underground and mainline rail.


7.   That improving cross-river links is of equal importance to the borough. Council assembly therefore regrets the indications from the Mayor of London that Transport for London (TfL) is unlikely to contribute towards the development of a foot and cycle bridge over the Thames at Rotherhithe.


That council assembly requests the executive:


8.  To consider how Southwark can promote greater awareness amongst our residents of existing river services and how they can use them.


9.  To request that Southwark’s transport policy team consider the proposals in the report, liaise with Transport for London (TfL) and the London Mayor’s office, produce a report to executive on their viability and how Southwark could support them.


10.  To request that Southwark’s transport policy team also consider as part of this report any public realm improvements associated with the completion of the Thames Path.


11.  To request that the executive re-iterates its support for a new foot and cycle river crossing in the east of the borough and writes to the Mayor of London asking him to reconsider his position on such a project.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the executive for consideration.