Agenda item

Development Control Items


Item 1/1 - (09-AP-1796) - 3 HARMSWORTH STREET, LONDON, SE17 3TJ: Conversion of dwelling into 3 one bedroom, self-contained flats, and associated elevational alterations.


The planning officer presented the report and explained the reasons behind the recommendation:


1. Subject to the applicant (or their successors in title) first entering into an appropriate legal agreement (at no cost to the Council) by no later than 2nd February 2010, planning permission be granted subject to the S106 and conditions.


2. In the event that the requirements of Recommendation 1 are not met by 2nd February 2010, the Head of Development Management be authorised to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out under paragraph 80.


The Planning Officer also drew Members’ attention to the addendum which had been circulated.


Members asked questions of the Planning Officer regarding room size, recycling and waste container storage, cycle parking and sound insulation. 


There were no objectors.


The applicant’s representative spoke in support of the planning


Members asked questions of the applicant’s representative.


There were no statements made by local supporters of the application, or

by Members speaking in their capacity as ward members.


Members then discussed the planning application.


AGREED: That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the addendum, AND subject to the following additional conditions:


·  That the Section 106 agreement restrict the maximum number of parking permits allocated to the building to one

·  That details of additional sound insulation of sufficient performance standard between the ground and first floor be submitted

·  That details of sufficient recycling container storage to be submitted


Supporting documents: