Agenda item

Member Allowances Scheme 2022-2023 - amendment to members' entitlement to maternity, adoption and shared parental leave and relevant allowances


There was one question on the report.  Councillor Graham Neale asked a supplemental question of the Leader of the Council.


There was one amendment to the report.  Councillor Graham Neale moved amendment F.  Councillor Jane Salmon seconded amendment F.


After debate, (Councillors Victoria Mills, Kieron Williams), Amendment F was put to the vote and declared Lost.


It was proposed that the recommendations for this report be dealt with by a recorded vote.  This proposal was put to the vote and declared Lost.


The recommendations of the report were put to the vote and declared Carried.




1.  That council assembly agreed the amendments to the Member Allowances Scheme in the Constitution as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, setting out members’ entitlement to maternity, adoption and shared parental leave and relevant allowances.


2.  That council assembly noted that a notice of motion signed by 16 councillors has been received, as per council assembly procedure rules 1.11.1.

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