Agenda item

Recommendations to Cabinet on new council homes on existing estates

The commission to finalise recommendations to Cabinet on new council homes on existing estates.


The Chair took the commission through a PowerPoint presentation on the draft recommendations that were emailed across to the commission members prior to the meeting on new council homes on existing estates.


On recommendation 1 below, the Chair explained to the commission that it’s important that Scrutiny is seen as a means to ensure there is an outlined robust process followed to achieve the objectives of projects such as Brenchley Gardens and that the report submitted in October 2021 did not reflect the issues faced, mistakes made and lessons learned for the future.


Recommendation 1: Given the issues with the written report provided to the Housing Scrutiny Commission in October 2021, the Cabinet member takes steps to ensure all officers in housing to understand the function of scrutiny and the importance of providing a full and accurate assessment of where things may have gone wrong, for lessons to be learned for the future. 


On recommendation 2 below, the commission discussed the need for better visibility on new projects being launched, better communication and consultation processes especially with key local stake holders such as residents. The commission agreed that it is important that such communications, consultations and discussions are carried out early in the project to ensure perspectives of ward councillors, Tenancy Management organisations (TMOs’) and Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs’) are considered. The below recommendation 2 is to be amended to reflect the discussion later in the meeting.


Recommendation 2: Cabinet member asks officers to arrange a webinar where ward councillors, TMOs and TRAs can explain their perspective on new housing projects, and how councillors seek to input into these.


On recommendation 3 and 4 below, the commission agreed that due consideration should be given to incorporate all the principles of the Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) Consultation Charter into the Council’s own consultation protocols. The Cabinet might not agree on all aspects such as ballots on planning applications of the SGTO charter but should take account of the recommendations in the charter. 


Recommendation 3: The Cabinet should give due consideration to incorporating the principles of the Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) consultation charter into its own consultation protocols.  


Recommendation 4: The Cabinet member asks officers to implement a consultation protocol which prioritises clear, consistent and timely communications for all development projects where the council is building on existing estates. This protocol should take account of recommendations made in the SGTO consultation Charter.


On recommendation 5 and 6 below, the commission discussed the need for robust protocols on the consultation process, Council’s project team should not consider TMOs and TRAs as a replacement for all residents. The Cabinet should also review consultation practices with a view to cover all residents through non-digital alternative routes (amended in recommendation 6 below) instead of just a single route of communication to obtain consultation feedback given the issues faced with effectiveness of the Commonplace website as a tool for engagement.


Recommendation 5: The Cabinet member should ensure that the protocol on consultation makes clear that it is the council’s project team who is responsible for consultation with all residents and that TMOs and TRAs are important bodies to consult, but they are not a replacement or proxy for all residents.


Recommendation 6: The Cabinet member should review consultation practice to ensure there is always an easily available non-digital alternative routes for residents to find out about proposals and contribute their views.  The Cabinet member should also review the effectiveness and reliability of Commonplace as a tool for engagement.


The commission then considered and agreed the amendment to recommendation 2 below from earlier discussions above.


Recommendation 2 (revised): Cabinet member asks officers to build early discussions with key local stakeholders into the new homes process including arranging webinars or online meetings where ward councillors, TMOs and TRAs can explain their perspective on new housing projects, and how councillors seek to input into these.