Agenda item

Self-Evaluation of Social Work Practice with Children in Care and Care Leavers


The director of children and families presented the report and highlighted a number of key areas as follows:


·  Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children figures

·  More children are being fostered with family members and supported to enable

·  Proud of the development of the children in care service and striving to always achieve more

·  Making Southwark a great place to work to attract relevant staff for the service.


Summary of issues/discussions arising:


·  A query was raised with regard to the employment of staff and budget restrictions. It was confirmed that efforts are made to ensure an understanding of the requirements of the service and the fact that continuing investment is also required for this statutory provision as part of the budget challenge process

·  Congratulatory /Christmas cards raised. Suggested the possibility of the chair and vice-chair signing the cards and officers can address/distribute. Officer to explore if possible.




That the self-evaluation of social work practice for children in care and care leavers June 2021 be noted.

Supporting documents: