Agenda item

The Licensing Act 2003: Review of Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 - 2026


The principal licensing officer provided the committee with a verbal update on the review of the statement of licensing policy 2021 to 2026.


Members had questions for the principal licensing officer and the licensing team manager. There was a discussion regarding final minor changes to the statement of licensing policy 2021-2026 document. These were in relation to removing the political composition of the council form the document and inserting a statement regarding COVID-19 and a recommendation regarding the use of single use plastics.


It was also noted that equalities matters had been taken into account when considering the review of the statement of licensing policy 2021-26..


The committee thanked the principle licensing officer for all of their hard work in relation to  the statement of licensing policy 2021-26..


As a side matter there was a discussion about members declaring interests at meetings.


During the discussions at around 8pm Councillor Linforth-Hall had technical issues and was unable to re-connect to the meeting.




1.  That the Southwark statement of licensing policy 2021-2026 provided at Appendix A to this report be agreed subject to the following:


a)  That the amendments for the revision of the policy document, as set out within the report (this includes the basis for the public consultation and the resulting feedback) be agreed.


b)  That the following amendments, as agreed by the committee be made to the policy:


  i.  That the following paragraphs in relation to COVID-19 be included:


Officers have considered at length inserting sections into the policy to take into account the COVID-19 Pandemic. It should be noted that primary legislation around alcohol sales has been amended, to support the industry and the government’s response to the emergency, but this is for a limited period only. This policy will surpass that period.


The council expects licence holders and applicants to remain up-to-date on changes to legislation and guidance from central government; and had an expectation that operators will act responsibly to reduce any risks to both their staff and customers. The licensing authority and the council’s health and safety team are keen to support businesses in this manner.


The council has a commitment to renew and update policies where a significant impact on business and residents become evident. It may be that in the future, a more flexible approach with alcohol licensing may be proportionate in order to support the economy. Should evidence emerge that permanent changes are required; this can be considered with an interim consultation prior to 2026.


  ii.  That the political composition of the council be removed from paragraph 7 of the policy.


  iii.  That the recommendation that premises limit their use of single use plastics as much as possible be inserted at paragraph 273 of the policy.


2.  That the statement of licensing policy 2021-26 be recommended for approval by council assembly.


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