Agenda item

The Licensing Act 2003 - Consideration of local saturation policies dealing with the "cumulative impact" of licensed premises - Borough and Bankside area


Report: See pages 91-113 of the main agenda


The chair of the licensing committee, Councillor David Hubber, formally moved the report.


Councillor David Noakes, seconded by Councillor Adele Morris, moved Amendment D.


Following debate (Councillor Linda Manchester), Councillor Daivd Hubber exercised his right of reply.


Amendment D was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the recommendation of the licensing committee be approved on the basis of:


a)  The partnership analytical report on both alcohol related violence against the person and crime and disorder; and

b)  Responses from the local consultation exercise carried out with both residents and businesses,


it is appropriate and necessary, in order to deal with the cumulative effects of licensed premises, to introduce a special saturation policy in the Borough and Bankside area.


2.  That the boundary of the special saturation policy area in Borough and Bankside area be:


Blackfriars Bridge / Blackfriars Road / Borough Road / Borough High Street / Long Lane / Crosby Row / Snowsfields / Bermondsey Street directly north to the river frontage and then westward back to Blackfriars Bridge.


A map of the area is shown as Appendix 2 of the report.


3.  That the classes of premises within the area to which the policy shall apply will be:


Night-clubs / public houses & bars / restaurants & cafes / off-licences, supermarkets and grocers.


4.  That having approved the introduction of a local saturation policy for Borough and Bankside, council assembly requests the licensing committee to consider whether to extend the western boundary of the Borough and Bankside saturation zone, and in doing so look at the possibility of including The Cut and Isabella Street.


Note: Resolution 4 will be referred as a recommendation to the licensing committee for consideration.

Supporting documents: