Agenda item





Demolition of the existing industrial units and redevelopment to provide a building ranging from one to nine storeys (32.7m AOD) in height accommodating 1,089sqm of commercial floorspace at ground floor level incorporating industrial use (Use Class B8); retail uses (Use Class A1); and restaurants and cafe uses (Use Class A3) and 111 residential units (Class C3) at upper levels with associated works, including landscaping and 3 disabled car parking spaces.


The committee was advised by officers that there was a discrepancy in the plans in that it appeared that the lift overrun on top of the building which would exceed 30 metres in height from ground level and that, therefore, the application would need to be referred to the Mayor of London. At the beginning of the consideration of development management items, the Chair sought agreement from the committee to suspend the normal procedure and invite the applicant to clarify this point and this was granted. The applicant’s agent came forward and stated that the apparent showing of a height above 30 metres on the revised plans was an error. The Chair asked whether verified plans were available to confirm the height of the proposed building. The agent stated that such plans were not available at the meeting.


The committee agreed to defer the application as the applicant was not able to provide at the meeting verified drawings which confirmed that the building did not exceed 30 metres which would require the application to be referred to the Greater London Authority (GLA) (see paragraph 11 of the addendum report for more detail).




That the application be deferred.

Supporting documents: