Agenda item

Beltwood House, 41 Sydenham Hill, London SE26 6TH (planning consent)


Planning application reference: 17/AP/3070


Report: see pages 97 to 147 of the agenda and pages 1 and 2 of the addendum report.




Alterations to enable a change of use of Beltwood House (a Grade II listed building) from a Class C2 residential institution to provide 7 apartments with external works comprising demolition of the service wing outriggers and replacement with a new communal entrance. Demolition of curtilage outbuildings to the east of Beltwood House ('Stables and Worker’s cottage') and replacement with 3 No. residential units. Creation of new Gate House and a Pavilion House within the site curtilage. Alterations including underpinning of the existing Gate Lodge (curtilage listed building) and ground floor extension. A comprehensive landscape strategy comprising communal and private spaces and gardens for use by residents. Car parking for 17 cars for residents and visitors. Provision of new refuse and cycle storage structures. Creation of new vehicular access on to Sydenham Hill from the south-east of the site to serve one new dwelling (new Gate House).


The committee heard the officers’ introduction to the report and addendum report. Councillors asked questions of the officers.


An objector addressed the meeting. Members of the committee asked questions of the objector.


The applicant’s agents addressed the committee, and answered questions by the committee.


There were no supporters who lived within 100m of the development site present and

wished to speak.


Councillor Andy Simmons addressed the meeting in his capacity as a ward councillor, and answered questions by the committee.


The committee put further questions to officers and discussed the application.


A motion to grant planning permission was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted subject to:


a.  The completion of a legal agreement


b.  The conditions set out in the report and addendum report


c.  An amended condition 17 regarding the design and location of the refuse storage whose design must mitigate against potential noise, vermin and odour. In the event that is not possible, the refuse storage must be relocated. 



2.  That in the event that a satisfactory legal agreement is not signed by 30 May 2018, the director of planning be authorised to refuse planning permission for the reason given in paragraph 116 of the report.

Supporting documents: