Agenda item

Interview with the Cabinet Member for Children and Schools

The committee will interview the lead cabinet member for Children and Schools, Councilor Victoria Mills, on her role.


The cabinet member has particular responsibility for:


·  18 year old employment, education and training guarantee with the cabinet member for business, employment and culture;


·  youth offending;


·  universal services for people aged 0-19;


·  early intervention;


·  child protection and specialist services for most vulnerable children, young people and their families;


·  raising the quality of children’s services;


·  school place provision and admissions;


·  expanding affordable childcare and nurseries;


·  free healthy school meals and free fruit in schools;


·  raising school standards and attainment;


·  the youth fund;


·  capital investment in schools;


·  safeguarding children;


·  corporate parenting including fostering and adoption;


·  Southwark Scholars;


·  further education (16-18).




The cabinet member will work with the deputy cabinet member for young people and careers.


The committee interviewed the lead cabinet member for Children and Schools, Councillor Victoria Mills, on her role.


The cabinet member recommended the committee ask Southwark Lewisham College to attend in May.  


She also suggested that Southwark Change makers attend the planned scrutiny knife crime event to get a diversity of young people’s voices.


The discussion identified that scrutiny of a planned refresh of the Domestic Abuse strategy may be a good use of committee time next year.





There have been a number of constituent enquires regarding Dog Kennel Hill, some under FOI. Officers will get back to the chair on timelines and an update.



A follow up paper will be provided on Apprenticeships, addressing:


·  How is the apprenticeship levy effecting SMEs

·  Numbers of Care Leavers in apprenticeship – with data reasons for difficulties in providing this information


Next meeting will address the Fostering Stocktake report with a focus on commissioning.