Agenda item

Policy and Resources Strategy - The 2010-11 Revenue Budget (The Budget and Policy Framework)

Questions on report.


Report: See pages 1-58 of the main agenda and lilac paper, pages 1-2, circulated at the meeting


There were four questions to the report, the answers to which had been circulated around the chamber on lilac paper.  Councillors Barrie Hargrove, Richard Livingstone, Fiona Colley and John Friary each asked a supplemental question.  Supplemental question one was answered by the executive member for environment, Councillor Paul Kyriacou, supplemental questions 2 and 3 were answered by the executive member for resources, Councillor Tim McNally, and supplemental question 4 was answered by the executive member for community safety, Councillor Linda Manchester.  The questions and answers are attached as Appendix 1 to the minutes.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(1), the executive member for resources, Councillor Tim McNally, presented the report.


Councillor Peter John, seconded by Councillor Richard Livingstone, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillors Nick Stanton and Lewis Robinson), a procedural motion to move to the vote was moved by Councillor James Barber and seconded.  The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Following Councillor Tim McNally’s right of reply Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


Following debate on the substantive motion (Councillors Ian Wingfield, Barrie Hargrove, Kim Humphreys, Veronica Ward, David Noakes, Peter John, Gordon Nardell, Paul Kyriacou, Chris Page, Dora Dixon-Fyle, Paul Noblet, Richard Livingstone, Michelle Holford, John Friary, David Hubber, Althea Smith, Linda Manchester, Mark Glover, Nick Vineall, Aubyn Graham, Jonathan Mitchell and Nick Stanton), Councillor James Gurling, seconded by Councillor Caroline Pidgeon, moved to the vote.


The procedure motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Following Councillor Tim McNally’s right of reply the substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.13(5) the following members requested that their vote against the substantive motion be recorded in the minutes: Councillors Paul Bates, Fiona Colley, Dora Dixon-Fyle, Mary Foulkes, John Friary, Mark Glover, Aubyn Graham, Barrie Hargrove, Peter John, Lorraine Lauder, Richard Livingstone, Alison McGovern, Kirsty McNeill, Gordon Nardell, Chris Page, Sandra Rhule, Tayo Situ, Robert Smeath, Althea Smith, Dominic Thorncroft, Veronica Ward and Ian Wingfield.


The clerk announced that in accordance with the budget and policy framework procedure rule 2 (e), the executive recommendation had not been amended therefore the decision could be implemented with immediate affect.




That the recommendations of the executive held on 9 February 2010 for a general fund budget and zero council tax increase for 2010-11 be agreed.

Supporting documents: