Agenda item



Planning application reference: 16/AP/1959


Report: see pages 20 to 54 of the agenda and pages 1 to 3 of the addendum report.




Construction of a new part five, part six storey building to provide commercial floorspace (Use Class B1), associated servicing, cycle parking and landscaping.


The committee heard the officer’s introduction to the report and addendum report. Councillors asked questions of the officer.


The objectors addressed the meeting. There were no questions from the committee.


The applicant and the applicant’s agent addressed the committee, and answered questions by the committee.


There were no supporters who lived within 100m of the development site present and

wished to speak.


Councillor David Noakes addressed the meeting in his capacity as a ward councillor, and answered questions by the committee.


The committee put further questions to officers and discussed the application.


A motion to refuse planning permission was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared to have fallen.


A motion to grant planning permission was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.




1.  That planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the applicant entering into a satisfactory legal agreement.


2.  That additional conditions be approved to control the hours of use of terraces and balconies (08:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday and Bank Holidays), and Construction Management Plan, including recognition of local community events which may require closure of the road.


3.  That in the event that a satisfactory legal agreement is not entered into by 31 January 2018 that the Director of Planning refuses planning permission, if appropriate, for the reason set out in paragraph 105 of the officer report.


In accordance with procedure rule 1.8.4 Councillor Adele Morris asked for her vote against the agreed motion be recorded in the minutes.



The meeting ended at 7.45 pm.




Supporting documents: