Agenda item

Ledbury Estate


5.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, the committee heard from the  cabinet member for Housing councillor Stephanie Cryan, Gerri Scott Strategic Director of Housing & Modernisation, Tony Hunter Head of Engineering, Stephen Douglass Director of Communities and Paul Langford Director of Resident Services and then asked questions of the cabinet member and officers.


5.2  The committee heard from representatives and residents of the Ledbury Estate and asked questions regarding works on the estate, after hearing from all parties.




1.  To request a full written response to the points raised in the submission from Ledbury TRA and Action Group.

2.  That the residents should receive written assurance of their right to return following any work to Ledbury towers.

3.  That the housing department will set up an email address that Ledbury resident can use to escalate any urgent matters.

4.  That the Ledbury TRA and action group will work together to produce a regular email to feed into the strategic director’s daily briefing for management follow up  and response.

5.  That the housing and community safety scrutiny sub-committee should monitor progress on Ledbury.

6.  That the strategic director will review the operation of the council and contractor teams based in the Ledbury TRA hall to ensure that residents are able to have confidential discussions with housing officers, and that requests for repairs are taken without being redirected to the call centre.


To recommend to the cabinet:


1.  That the council carries out a full, thorough and independent review of the repairs history of the Ledbury estate.

2.  That the council urgently engages with contractors to ensure an end to the missed appointments currently being experienced by residents on the Ledbury estate.


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