Agenda item

Fire Safety


5.1  The committee received an update on Fire Safety and the issues regarding the Ledbury Estate from the Cabinet member for Housing councillor Stephanie Cryan, Gerri Scott the Strategic Director of Housing & Modernisation and Tony Hunter the Head of Engineering. The Chair acknowledged the hard work from officers with regards to both Ledbury Estate and Fire Safety within a short space of time.


5.2  The Cabinet Member for Housing and the Strategic Director of Housing & Modernisation took questions from members.


5.3  The Strategic Director of Housing & Modernisation reported that Southwark had spent a huge amount on fire safety over the last 5 to 6 years on fire doors, closers, signage, alarms and smoke detectors. The big additional cost would be the installation of sprinkler systems. The authority had already spent in excess of £62,000,000 since 2010 on fire safety and have dealt with the highest risk first.


5.4  An urgent report on Fire Safety in all accommodation including private and housing association in the borough was being prepared for submission to the next meeting of the Cabinet. Members were also informed that the authority cannot require housing associations into taking specific actions


5.5  The Strategic Director of Housing & Modernisation responded to the Chair regarding a paper presented to members this evening from the Ledbury Estate and said that officers would be contacting the author of the paper to clarify all points raised.


5.6  The Chair thanked everyone for their participation in the meeting and stated that members may invite officers back at a later date for an update on the situation.






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