Agenda item

Review of Arrangements for Civic Awards


Report: See pages 114-116 of the main agenda


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(2) the Mayor formally moved the recommendations contained within the report.


The recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the constitutional changes set out in paragraph 11 of the report to provide clarity on the role of standards committee in relation to granting awards and the relationship with the Civic Association’s recommendations be agreed:


Paragraph 12 of Part 3M: Standards committee currently reads ‘To grant civic awards’.


The amendment is to delete all and insert:


‘To consider recommendations for civic awards from the Civic Association or other nominating body and decide whether to grant an award and the appropriate level of any award.’


2.  That the creation of a new discretionary award decided on merit by the Mayor be agreed.

Supporting documents: