Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the executive or chief executive


The Mayor reminded members of the following events:

·  Remembrance Sunday – Sunday November 8 at the Walworth Road memorial, 10.30am for 10.45am start.


·  Armistice and opening of memorial gardens – Wednesday 11 November at the West Lane memorial, 10.30am for 10.45am start.


·  Quiz Night at 7.00pm on Friday November 13 at Tooley Street.  Teams of 6 welcomed at £30 per team.


·  Stephen Flannery memorial on November 16 2009. 


·  Masquerade Ball on Saturday December 19 2009.


A number of other Mayoral event dates were circulated around the chamber on a separate sheet.


The Mayor announced that Alf Wallis, who ran Good Neighbours House, had passed away last Wednesday after a long illness.  The Mayor sent the council’s condolences to Mr Wallis’ family.


The executive member for health and adult care, Councillor David Noakes, introduced his written statement on the funding of the concessionary fares.